The shape of the bloodstains may provide important information about the circumstances of the crime. In many cases, the height from which a drop of blood fell may be determined from the appearance of the bloodstain.
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If the height of the fall is short, 6 to 12 inches, the bloodstain may appear as circular disks on a smooth surface.
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If the height of the fall is from 12 to 60 inches, the edges of the bloodstain may be jagged. This jaggedness increases in direct relation to the height; the greater the height the more jagged the edges.
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If a drop falls from a considerable height, six or more feet, it may splatter upon impact and many small bloodstains gen-erally concentrated around a larger cen-
tral stain, giving a sunburst appearance.
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Drops of blood which strike a surface at an angle may bounce or splash, leaving a large bludgeon shaped blot with a series of smaller blots trailing of in the direction of the fall.